On day 6 God made...
On day 6, God made all the land animals. Let’s make our own. Today we will make a lion, a sheep or a pig.
Paper plate 2. brown and yellow paint 3. scissors 4. black marker
5. goggle eyes 6. red construction paper 7. yarn (optional)
Paint center of plate yellow
Paint outside rim of paint brown. Then allow to dry
Cut slits in outside rim along entire plate
Glue on googly eyes
Cut small heart out of construction paper and glue to center of plate
Draw on mouth and whisker spots
If desired, cut small even sized pieces from yarn and past to each side just above mouth for whiskers
Cotton balls Glue Black construction paper Goggly eyes Scissors
Glue cotton balls to one side of plate
Cut circle and four small ovals from black construction paper
Glue circle at halfway point to edge of plate
Glue googly eyes to circle center and two small ovals to top of circle for ears
Glue other tow small ovals to bottom of plate for feet
Pink paint Goggly eyes Pink and black construction paper Black marker Glue
Paint one entire side of plate pink and set aside to dry
Glue two googly eyes to painted side of plate
Cut two small triangle out of pink construction paper. Then glue to nonpainted side of plate
Cut oval out of pink construction paper and glue to painted side of plate
Cut two small circles from black construction paper and glue on top of pink oval
Draw mouth on plate
Encourage you children to use their imaginations as they create their animals by inviting them to use different colors or designs. With this, we can display the creativity and love for diversity God has shown us throughout the creation story.
Until next time,
happy sowing!