Seeds of Motherhood

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God is in your darkness

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  At the beginning, the earth was covered with darkness.  Sometimes we get scared of the dark and sometimes we become afraid of things that are new sometimes too. The dark can be scary because we can not see where we are going or what might be in the dark with us. New things can be scary because we do not know what might happen. Other times, we get scared because we have had some scary things happen so we are afraid they might happen again. When the earth was covered with darkness, God was there.  That means that when we are in the dark God is always with us too.  When you are afraid, remember God is with you. Say out loud if you must “God is with me”. God was in the beginning, in the darkness when He formed the earth so He is in the darkness with you too. When you are afraid, He is with you. Always. Forever. No matter what!

Activity #1:

Let’s play the flashlight game this week.  We are going to turn off all the lights and close the door. Now turn on your flashlight. See how well it lights up the room.  It doesn’t always take away all of the darkness but doesn’t it feel better to have some light?  Look at how you are holding that flashlight.  The closer you are to the light the easier it is to see.  When we learn scripture and pray to God it is like we are holding God, holding His light, closer to our hearts so it makes it easier to see and helps us feel better so when you are scared, just remember that God is with you always. 

Activity #2:  The more time we spend with God, we can hear Him better to hear what He wants us to do.  To practice this, let’s play a blindfold game. 


Parent: Cover your child’s eyes with ribbon, a scarf or other piece of cloth.  Make sure they cannot see.  Clear all obstructions out of the room.  Stand in a different part of the room and call the child’s name having them walk towards your voice. As they get closer, change your position so that they will have to change direction.  Do this a few times and when done tell them this is what it is like to follow God when you can’t see your way.  We trust God to guide us to safety even when we are scared, confused, not sure or don’t understand. These times can be hard but God wants us to know He is in those scary, dark times too and we just have to listen for His voice to show us the way.  We learn His voice by learning scripture and praying to Him.  We can ask Him to help us to hear Him so we can be as sure as possible what He is telling us to do.