Seeds of Motherhood

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God's troubleshooting guide for parents

God speaks for parents
Much like any manual, there lies a section for trouble shooting.  There is an area to consult when things go awry or when the error message comes blinking on the scene.  The Bible is a fabulous source of answers to what to do when the unexpected occurs. 

  • Parent under the covering of grace.  Let us also take heart that God is aware that we will not always get it right.  He knows we will miss the mark sometimes just as our own children.  Cue the scene of your future grown child in a counselor’s office tracing all their present ills to their childhood, to the moments when our patience ran short, we jumped to a conclusion too soon or when we were too tired to give the quality time we know they deserve.  God offers grace to stand in the gap to cover our mistakes and our missteps.  The same grace and forgiveness we should extend to our children. (Hebrews 4:16, Eph 2:8-9)

  • Live a forgiven life.  All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23-25).  We have all been redeemed by grace and our past sins are forgotten.  We will parent perfectly because we are not perfect people.  We can let the sins of our past or future dictate who we are as parents.   When you mess up which even the most well-intentioned parent will do, fess up and then move on.  Do not carry the mistake as a cross because it will weigh or water down your parenting.  God has already covered it, forgotten and moved on so should you.

  • Don’t give up.  The fact that you are even reading this shows your level of dedication to parenting your children the way God desires.  The difficulty is that it requires dedication.  On the days run long or the day has been particularly difficult, sitting down to share the word with our children requires us sacrificing more of ourselves to do what God instructs us to do.  Then there are the days when our children buck at our efforts, complain, whine and whimper stoking the flesh to give up and give way to discouragement. When the days feel long and the efforts seem fruitless remember, be not weary in well doing (Gal 6:9)

  • Don’t worry.  Parenthood seems to come inherently with worry and anxiety.  We worry about safety, health and growth in all aspects of their being.  God covers that too in Phil 4:6.  Bring your anxieties to God through prayer with thanksgiving.  He tells us to petition Him for guidance and then we can offer Him thanks for the guidance we will give.  Once you do, receive His peace.  It is a gift He gives freely and ours to receive (John 14:27).  It may not be easy every time but keep seeking Him and trusting Him and it will come.

I could go on so search the scripture and as you read it ask the Lord to reveal to you what He is saying to you about your life journey, your mom role and your child.  Study the word and stand on its truths as you go and see God reveal more about the tools you have at your disposable to live out a fruitful, fearless life.

Sow the seed:  God’s book has all the answers we need to parent the way He desires.

Nurture the seed: "All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."  2 Timothy 3:16-17

Until next time,
happy sowing!