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United Way Northeast Mississippi P&K


Posted by Parents & Kids Guest Writer | Mar 28, 2022

Since 1961, the local branch of a well-known charity has been serving Chickasaw, Itawamba, Lee, Monroe, Pontotoc, Prentiss, Tishomingo and Union counties. Through various programs, the United Way of Northeast Mississippi has tackled poverty and more.

For instance, its newly-established Project ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) helps families who earn above the federal poverty level, yet still don’t make enough to afford basic living expenses. These families include many serving in essential positions that keep communities running. They might be daycare workers, gas station attendants, wait staff or cashiers. These are the people who work hard, yet struggle to establish a strong financial footing in their homes. This has only been worsened by the issues related to Covid-19. 

This has made the work of a United Way partner, the Hunger Coalition of Northeast Mississippi, even more important. The coalition helps connect local food pantries with resources to help stock the pantries, and it educates on the issue of food insecurity. The Coalition works with government leaders to give a voice to the needy.  

“We make sure food pantries have what they need to meet the need, and look for gaps in the services needed for the food insecure,” explained Jason Martin, of the Hunger Coalition of Northeast Mississippi. The Coalition provides grants to resource providers and also receives overflow goods to distribute to partner agencies in support of their missions of serving the hungry.

The United Way of Northeast Mississippi also assists people dealing with addiction or other mental health concerns. 

Equally important, the charity created a coalition with a focus on school readiness, student attendance, summer learning opportunities and health. One program under this umbrella is the reading program, which partners with school districts and childcare centers to help children achieve reading level by first grade. Campaign for Grade Level Reading — and Excel by 5 — have been brought together under this initiative. The United Way Northeast trains and provides guidance to childcare centers, helping to prepare children for school entry.

Donations of time and money from the community help the United Way to reach more people. Volunteer positions may be found at Interested parties can find over 100 nonprofits looking for assistance, and nonprofits can find resources and others in the community with whom they can partner.

Financial support to United Way of Northeast Mississippi can be made through payroll deductions, credit or debit cards, or pledged commitments to pay directly at the website, Businesses can join the United 365 small business circle and commit about $1 a day to support the United Way’s local efforts. To donate directly to the hunger coalition’s work, donations can be made online at 

For over 50 years, the United Way of Northeast Mississippi has worked to identify and meet the needs of the region. With the support of the community, it can continue for another 50 years…or more.

Alicia Stevens, a resident of Pearl River County, is a freelance writer, wife and mother of two who enjoys traveling with her family and friends.

Tackling Poverty in Northeast Mississippi - Parents & Kids (