God is in the dark - scratch art craft

God is in the dark - scratch art craft

This craft idea can further illustrate God's presence in the dark. This scratch art craft will show them that even though we may not be able to see God as easily we can believe He is there because He always is with us just like we discussed last week.



1.       white paper                  2. Crayons        3.  Black temper or acrylic paint       

4. Dish soap     5. small mixing bowl or paper plate   6. foam paint brush         7. toothpick



1.       Color the entire paper in whatever pattern you prefer with the crayons

2.       Mix equal parts paint and dish soap

3.       Paint the colored sheet of paper completely with the paint-soap mixture

4.       Let it dry for about a hour

5.       Once dried, scratch any design you like through the paint layer

Just because we could not see the color did not mean it was not there. Even under the cover of darkness, the color was still present. The same is true for God. Sometimes, we can not see Him as easily when we are afraid, but God is there just the same. He is with us always, even in the dark, even when we are afraid.

God is with you every day

God is with you every day

Beginning with God

Beginning with God