God has a plan for you

God has a plan for you

My eyes stung with fatigue as my hands wearingly fought to hold their position over the keyboard hoping the next stroke would result in a satisfactory result.  My head bobbed multiplying its weight on my slumping body that begged to be engulfed by the fluffy comforter.  The warmth of my cozy bedding invited me to take the needed position of respite required to take on the tasks of the new day to come but I resisted.  The task was too important, too precious.  What pressing matter stirred such a level of determination, you might wonder?  None other than, my child’s birthday party!  What?! I hear you on the other side of these words but here’s the secret behind this apparent madness…I’m a planner.  It’s hard for me not to be because there’s security and comfort in having a plan with having every conceivable option considered and outlined for the best possible outcome.  In this part of the creation story, God makes the sun after creating vegetation.  I do not have a green thumb as many plants that met their demise under my care can testify, but I am aware plants in general require sun and water so it perplexed me that God would create something without seemingly having everything it needed to survive and thrive.  It was out of order and contrary to understanding.  This passage is revealing about the character of God as a planner versus my finite understanding of the part I play in those plans so let’s explore this further here.

God’s plans vs my plans

After a few years of marriage, my husband and I “decided” our careers and marriage were in a good place to expand our family.  Pregnancy occurred quickly but at my 12 week appointment, God showed me my path to motherhood would deviate dramatically from the one I had envisioned.  The collision of my plans with God’s depleted my hope, challenged my faith and confused my mind.  Even though it was not the first time my plans did not line up with God’s, it was the first time a dream suddenly vanquished without warning leaving in the space of that moment hopelessness.  Just as in this passage, the plans God makes seem not to line up or make sense but what God shows us here is that not only does He have a plan, He also has a way to sustain us. 

Vegetation in the creation story time-line existed a day before the sun and yet survived.  The consideration of this caused me to ponder on how this could occur.  A review of the creation story to this point offers a likely explanation.  The plants flourished under the provision He already provided, His light.  Likewise, God does not want us looking to something tangible to sustain us, to rest our hope in or to comfort ourselves.  Otherwise, we build our faith on things and not Him.   When the seen no longer obstructs the obvious view of the unseen, my inherent planner nature gets challenged, gets stretched and gets transformed.  God proves in these moments not only does the tangible not last but also these things do not hold the power to change our destinies.  Is 40:4 The flower withers and the grass fades but the word of our Lord endures forever.  He wants us to keep our eyes focused on Him, Is 40:30.

Your motherhood journey may not look the way you had hoped because of medical problems, financial strain, relocation or misinformation.  It is hard not knowing what God has planned on this unexpected path but even without knowing the plan we know the planner.  We know the one who has the whole world in His hands which is not just a popular children’s song but is a literal fact.  The creator has a vision for how everything would work out so we can continue to consult the instruction manual and take the next step with the light in front of us.  We can trust the one who parted the red sea because He works all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose.  You are called into motherhood so it will all work out for our good.  Trust it!


Sow the seed:  Trust God to do good even in the view of what looks not so good.

Nurture the seed: He works all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Rom 8:28). 

Trust the ultimate planner

Trust the ultimate planner

God made time just for you

God made time just for you