Hello fellow sower in the faith!
I am popping into your inbox to say hi, how are, been thinking about ya and let you know that in my absence I have been seeking God about how best to serve you in this next season of Seeds of Motherhood.
I am excited about what God has revealed while I've been quiet in your inbox!
To make sure I am meeting where you are in this season of you and your family's life, I’d love to have one on one conversations to dialogue about you and what specific needs you have in this season of your life. This will help frame the content and structure going forward so we can keep sowing the seeds needed in this season so if you have preschool or elementary age kiddos I’d love to start with you to talk and get to know you better.
For your time, I’ll get you a $25 Amazon gift card. If you know any other sisters in faith, with little ones in this age range who might be interested please forward this email to them.
Reply to this email if you’re interested.
Until next time,
Happy sowing!
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