Tupelo Theatre P&K


Posted by Parents & Kids Guest Writer | Aug 8, 2022

Children are naturally curious and naturally creative. They color purple cows and pink skies, and create songs and poems on a whim. They dance even when there is no beat, and make up their own games. Supporting a child’s creative side can be the funniest adventure, and community children’s theater can offer one way to do so. 

Not only does theater allow kid creativity to thrive, communication skills are improved. It happens not only through verbal, but also through nonverbal communication. Kids learn to enunciate and project their voices clearly for others to hear. They also begin to be more aware of body language, and facial expressions, and how these communicate their feelings and thoughts to others. Children can also learn to empathize with others as they see perspectives of other characters portrayed in a play.

Theater can open the door to conversations related to tough life situations, and serve as a source of reflection to help navigate future life challenges.

Because a team is needed to put on a play, children learn to work together. They begin to understand that everyone’s role is important, building their own self-esteem through their performance, or contribution to a performance. They will also learn to value others more when seeing that everyone matters in a successful stage show. 

Theater can teach children patience and the value of doing things correctly. The repetitive nature of practicing to prepare for a performance develops this skill. Despite the perfect work of practice, mistakes happen in real time, so children can learn to improvise, adapt and be flexible to put on a good show.

One way to introduce children to theater is to start by taking them to kid-appropriate plays, some of which may be staged locally at the Tupelo Community Theatre. Children may enjoy a stage version of their favorite movies, and be more willing to sit through a play at a younger age than you might think. 

Children can also be introduced through a “family fun” activity of putting on a short, scripted play they can perform for relatives and family friends. Scripts can be found online, or children can act out their favorite movie scenes if you’re looking for a more familiar role.

Tupelo Community Theatre offers ways for children to get involved. If your child is too shy to take to the stage, there are always other ways to dip young toes in the water and get started.

“We are always looking for volunteers for set work days at the theater,” said Tom Booth, Tupelo Community Theatre’s executive director. He added that children should come with an adult.  

If the stage is calling your child, and he or she is ready to give it a go, audition information for Tupelo Community Theatre can be found on the website at Tctwebstage.com/wordpress/shows.

You can also find announcements of upcoming shows and auditions on the theater’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages. Parents can also stay informed by joining the email list at 1tct@bellsouth.net.

Booth invites anyone to come down and try it out. He said if you are not cast in a show the first time, just try again. Each show has a different committee and director, so the next show might be a better fit for your child.

Although it has already recently finished for 2022, parents can prepare ahead and mark their calendars for the kid camp held each summer for Tupelo’s creative youngsters.

“Our theater camp in July each year is a great place to get started, without the pressure of an audition,” Booth said.

Whether onstage or behind the scenes, the benefits of theater are clear…so give it a shot. It might be just the thing to bring out your child’s most creative self.

Alicia Stevens, a resident of Pearl River County, is a freelance writer, wife and mother of two who enjoys traveling with her family and friends.

Learn Teamwork, Communication Skills at Tupelo Community Theatre - Parents & Kids (parentsandkids.com)

Theatre and Kids P&K

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