Be fruitful and make bees and butterflies

Be fruitful and make bees and butterflies

Kids week 2:

To be fruitful, we have to have the seeds of God’s love in our hearts to spread them to others.  Those seeds will become beautiful fruit for God.  In nature, God spreads seeds several ways.  Some ways is to use bees and butterflies.  Let’s make some to remind ourselves that God wants us to spread seeds for Him too.



paper plate                       black pipe cleaners          markers              Glue      Mini googly eyes (optional)

popsicle sticks                  stickers or other embellishments i.e. pom poms, glitter or stickers (optional)


1.       Cut plate in half

2.       Cut a rounded triangle shape out of straight edge of plate halves

3.       Color and decorate bottom of paper plate as desired

4.       Decorate one side of popsicle stick

5.       Glue rounded edges of plate halves under side of stick

6.       Put two dots for eyes or use google eyes at top of stick

7.       Put one dot for a nose and draw a smile

8.       Cut small piece of pipe cleaner

9.       Shape piece into a V and glue to underside of craft stick at the top




Paper plate                       yellow paint or marker                 black and white construction paper         

large googly eyes             Black pipe cleaner           black marker                   


1.       Cover bottom of paper plate completely with yellow. Set aside to dry if paint used

2.       Cut three strips from black construction paper. 

3.       Glue strips to bottom half of plate leaving a bit of space in between each

4.       Glue googly eyes to top of plate

5.       Cut piece of pipe cleaner and shape into V

6.       Tape or glue pipe cleaners to top of plate on the nonpainted side

7.       Cut two heart shaped pieces from white construction paper

8.       Glue to nonpainted side of paint

Happy crafting!

Until next time,

Happy sowing too!

God filled the ocean

God filled the ocean

Fruitful living

Fruitful living