God made man from dust. God can use anything to create something special.
All tagged creation story kid activities
God made man from dust. God can use anything to create something special.
God designed you so He is to only one to define you. Made in His image, we are equipped with all that He is.
God created the whole world in 6 days. Here’s a poem to remember each day the Lord made!
God created rest on day 7 in the creation story. He did not need to but He set the example for us to do it for our good.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. WE will talk about God’s creation of man and what that means to us today.
We can teach our children to seek answers to their questions through scripture and we can use scripture to discipline them in the Lord, leaning not to our understanding but leaning on the word as we train them up in the way God would have us to do.
This week we will do an object lesson to illustrate the power and purpose of community to our littles.
God has a perfect role for all of us to play. He shows us in the creation story that He is part of community and He wants us to be an active part in our role too.
On the 5th day, God filled the ocean with all sorts of animals. To help learn this part of the creation story, we will create an ocean sensory bottle and fill it with animals too.
Commemorate God’s creation story with more activities by making paper plate butterflies and bees!
God says be fruitful and multiply on day 3 and day 5 of the creation story. With these activities we will see day 3 and 5 with paper plate crafts to make fish and birds.
We can begin to instill in our children what trust in God may look like and the positive results that can happen when we do it no matter with a simple activity.
God has a plan for us even when it does not make sense. We can teach our children this through an activity.
On day 4, God made the sun and the moon. He created the element of time for us to keep track of the days.